Product Details for Material from Philips - 1459M-50000130916528 - MSR Gold 1200 SA/2 DE Philips 7500K

1459M-50000130916528 Philips MSR Gold 1200 SA/2 DE Philips 7500K

Part Nnumber
MSR Gold 1200 SA/2 DE Philips 7500K
Basic price
79,88 EUR

The product with part number 1459M-50000130916528 (MSR Gold 1200 SA/2 DE Philips 7500K) is from company Philips and distributed with basic unit price 79,88 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Light sources: Studio Theatre Film - Philips MSD / MSR MSR Gold 1200 SA/2 DE Philips 7500K Brand: Philips Voltage: 207V Wattage: 1200W Amperage: 13.6A Base-cap: SFc 10-4 Diameter: 22mm Overall length: 135 maxmm Average life: 750 Stunden Lumen output: 103000lm Colour temperature: 7500K

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